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Assignments - 5th Grade Social Studies(Archived)
Social Studies 4/2-4/6/2018
Due Date: 4/2/2018
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Practice CASE writing prompt

Tuesday- Finish talking about the Civil Rights Movement

Students will use textbook and notes to answer questions for a daily grade

Wednesday- Study guide on Civil Rights

Thursday- Test over the Civil Rights Movement

Friday- Talk about President Kennedy's assassination, the Vietnam War and the Space Program

Social Studies 3/19-3/23
Due Date: 3/19/2018
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Read about Memphis during the 1940s and 1950s. The students will read about Elvis Presley, B.B. King, and the impact they had on Tennessee culture.

Answer questions about Memphis

Tuesday- Notes about the Civil Rights Movement

Brainpop: The Civil Rights Movement

Wednesday- Continue notes about the Civil Rights Movement

Brainpop: Martin Luther King, Jr.

Thursday- Questions from the notes

Brainpop: Brown Verses the Board of Education

Friday- DEAR/Club Day


Have a wonderful Spring Break!!!!

Social Studies 1/22-1/26/2018
Due Date: 1/26/2018
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Quiz over Great Depression Notes

Writing Prompt: Imagine your family has to live in a "Hooverville"

Tuesday- CASE Benchmark testing

Wednesday-Thursday Talk about Roosevelt's New Deal Programs

Friday- Talk about the Dust Bowl

Monday- Study Guide for test

Tuesday- test

Social Studies 1/8-1/12/2018
Due Date: 1/8/2018
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday-  Assignment from Friday (first 10 minutes)

Continue talking about the 1920's focusing on the economic terms; credit, interest, and debt

Tuesday- Create an advertisement for the 1920's

Wednesday- Notes and Powerpoint on the Great Depression

Brainpop about the Great Depression

Thursday- Read pages 200-205 in textbook with groups

Worksheet: Faces of the Great Depression

Friday- Finish Reading textbook pages

Short quiz over the Great Depression Notes

Worksheet: Kids of the Great Depression

Due Date: 11/13/2017
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Powerpoint about Reformers of the late 1800s and early 1900s

Talk about the new life for immigrants in America

Tuesday- Notes about inventors and entepreneurs of the late 1800s and early 1900s

Wednesday- Finish notes

Brainpop- George Washington Carver

Thursday- TN ready type questions covering the standards we have already learned this year. This will count as a daily grade.

Friday- Go over questions from Thursday

Daily grade over inventors and entrepreneurs


Due Date: 11/6/2017
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Read in the textbook about the Great Plains and why settlers were attracted to the region.

Tuesday- Tennessee in a new century

Talk about how Tennessee and American entered the year 1900

Wednesday- Review for Chapter 3 test

Thursday- Chapter 3 test

Friday- Powerpoint on Reformers of the new century. Why people wanted to see change in America

Due Date: 10/30/2017
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Discuss why immigrants of the late 1800s and early 1900s saw the United States as the Land of Opportunity

Powerpoint showing immigration

Tuesday- Benchmark test in Social Studies

Wednesday- 1/2 Day for Data Day

Finish talking about immigrants

Thursday- Discuss the Great Plains of the late 1800s

Talk about Buffalo Soldiers


Friday- Talk about Child Laborers and conditions they worked in


Due Date: 10/23/2017
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Review the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments

Draw pictures to represent the amendments

Tuesday- Look up and write definitions for important vocabulary words

Wednesday- Answer questions about Reconstruction

Read in textbook pages 96-99 about Life after the Civil War

Thursday- Talk about the Yellow Fever Epidemic that the South after the Civil War

Google Classroom Assignment

Friday- Talk about how the South had to move to industry after the war

Textbook pages 101-105

Due Date: 10/16/2017
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Describe the physical, social, political, and economic consequences of the Civil War on the South

Read in the textbook pages 76-77

We will look at and discuss pictures of the south after the war. We will discuss the ruins of the south and how that affected the southern states.

Students will write about the South after the war

Tuesday-Wednesday Describe the impact of LIncoln's assassiantion

We will read a news article about Lincoln's assassination together as a class.

The class will be divided into groups (West Tennessee and East Tennessee)

Students will write an opinion piece about the assassination from the perspective of East and West Tennesseans

The writing will include: emotional response, theory of why Lincoln was killed, prediction for future of country

Students will pair up with someone from opposing sides and discusses similarities and differences

Thursday- Notes about the 3 plans of Reconstruction

Textbook pages 82-85

Friday- Students will do an assignment about the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments on the chromebooks

Due Date: 10/6/2017
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Discuss the Gettysburg Address

Talk about how to summarize

S.W.B.S.T (Somebody-Wanted-But-So-Then) Use the story of The Three Little Pigs to demonstrate Summarizing

Read the Gettysburg Address with students

Partners summarize the Address using S.W.B.S.T

Tuesday- Get Study Guide for Nine Weeks Exam

Wednesday- Go over Study Guide

Thursday- Nine Weeks exam

Friday- Service Day

Report Cards go home

Have a wonderful Fall Break!!

Social Studies 9/25-9/29/2017
Due Date: 9/25/2017
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Finish watching video about Civilians and the Civil War

Read 2 pages from textbook about the homefront and the Civil War

Write about the homefront

Tuesday- Read in the textbook about battles of the war

Wednesday- Talk about Robert E Lee and Ulysses S Grant

Questions about each of the men

Thursday- Read in the textbook about the remaining important battles of the Civil War

Friday- Talk about the Gettysburg Address

Discuss the skill of summarizing

Read the Address as a class

With partners summarize the Gettysburg Address

Social Studies 9/16-9/22/2017
Due Date: 9/22/2017
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Data Day! Kids are out!

Tuesday- Extra credit for Chapter 1 test is due

Continue talked about important battles- label those battles on a map.

Answer questions about the battle notes (for a grade)

Wednesday- Talk about military and civil leaders during the Civil War

Blue descriptions of leaders in their notebook

Thursday- Finish talking about important leader


Questions from notes of important leaders

Friday- Talk about what life was like on the battle ground and the homefront during the Civil War

Watch a short video about Civilians and the Civil War

Social Studies 9/11-9/15/2017
Due Date: 9/8/2017
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Talk about the Importance of the day 9/11


Writing Prompt

Tuesday- Review for Chapter 1 Test

Wednesday- Chapter 1 Test

Thursday- Identify the border states and the efforts both the North and the South took to secure the border states. We will talk about each of the border states and its significance

Friday- Discuss the important battles of the Civil War. We will glue notes into their notebook that shows each battle's significance, location, and outcome.

Social Studies 9/4-9/8/2017
Due Date: 9/5/2017
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Labor Day

Tuesday- Finish working on pictures from Thursday

Posters representing the Union and Confederacy before the Civil War

Talk about the Underground Railroad

Listen to the song Follow the Drinking Gourd

Wednesday- Discuss the candidates for the 1860's Presidential Election

The candidates represented the division in the country

Brainpop- Lincoln

Thursday- Discuss why Tennessee was divided over the issue of seccession

East TN supported the United States and did not want to secceed

Friday- Review for Chapter 1 test (We will finish reviewing on Monday and the test will be Tuesday of next week)

Elect Student Council Officers


Social Studies 8/28-9/1/2017
Due Date: 8/28/2017
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Finish Notes from Thursday

Tuesday- Determine the meanings of Union and Confederacy as related to the Civil War

We will talk through a power point presentation that shows students all of the different names, symbols, and descriptions of the Union and the Confederacy of the Civil War

Wednesday- Students will create a poster. They will write 4 words and draw 4 pictures that represent the Union and the Confederacy

Thursday- Discuss the Underground Railroad

I will read the poem Follow the Drinking Gourd

Brainpop: Underground Railroad

Writing Prompt

Friday- Discuss the candidates that ran in the 1860 Presidential Race. Discuss how the 4 candidates represented the turmoil the country was in.

Powerpoint- Political cartoon

Brainpop: Lincoln

Social Studies 8/21-8/25
Due Date: 8/25/2017
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Brainpop about the solar eclipse

Tuesday- The Differences between the North and the South before the Civil War

We will glue some notes into our folder that has information about the North and the South Pre Civil War

Wednesday- Primary Sources

We will talk about the abolitionist Sarah and Angelina Grimke as well as William Lloyd Garrison. Students will use Google Classroom to complete notes on each abolitionist

Thursday- How certain events affected slavery

Students will spend Thursday and Friday researching events that affected slavery; Missouri Compromis, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Compromise of 1850, Brooks Attack on Sumner, Kansas-Nebraska Act, and John Brown's Raid

Friday- Finish research

Social Studies 3/13-3/24/17
Due Date: 3/17/2017
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- World War II Project (Counts as test grade)

Tuesday- Continue WWII Project

Wednesday- Finish WWII Project

Thursday- Start Chapter 7

Define important vocabulary words for chapter

Friday- Formation of the United Nations and Cordell Hull

Read in textbook

Monday (3/20)-  Talk about the "Cold War', Space Race, Berlin Wall, Arms Race, and Cuban Missile Crisis

Read in textbook

Answer questions from textbook

Tuesday (3/21)- Finish questions from day before

Start reading about significant TN Pop Music Icons

Wednesday- Finish talking about Pop Icons; Elvis, BB King

Thursday- Begin talking about The Civil Rights Movement

Read in textbook

Friday- DEAR Day and Club Day

Social Studies 2/20-2/24/2017
Due Date: 2/24/2017
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Out of School for President's Day

Tuesday- Start talking about the Holocaust

Brainpop: Holocaust and Anee Frank

Read pages 228-229 in textbook

Homework- Anne Frank edhelper sheet

Wednesday-  Continue talking about the Holocaust
Show interactive Secret Annex of Anne Frank online
Write an opinion essay about the Holocaust
Thursday- Locate the Allied and Axis Powers on a map
Read pages 225-227 in textbook
Powerpoint of maps of WWII
Friday-  DEAR Day

Social Studies 2/13-2/17/17
Due Date: 2/17/2017
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Begin talking about World War II

Discuss fascism, totalitarinism, and nazism

Notes from powerpoint on the different types of governments

Tuesday- Finish notes

Watch a Brainpop on World War II

Do the Brainpop questions

Wednesday- Talk about Pearl Harbor and the United States decision to enter the war.

Video clip about the attack

Listen to a Newsreel from the presdient addressing Congress concerning Pearl Harbor

Read newspaper article about attack

Thursday- Fill in notes about Pearl Harbor

Friday- Discuss constitutionality of Japanese internment camps during WWII

Read page 237 in textbook

Fill in page about Japanese Americans

Social Studies 1/16-1/20
Due Date: 1/20/2017
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Out MLK Day

Tuesday- Finish Chapter 4 Study Guide

Wednesday- Chapter 4 Test

Thursday- Start looking at the culture of the 1920s. Chromebooks and Google Classroom

Friday- Finish looking at Roaring Twenties with power point

Social Studies 11/28-12/2/2016
Due Date: 11/28/2016
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Complete study guide for Chapter 3 test (Test will be on Wednesday)

Tuesday- Finish study guide and review for test

Wednesday- Chapter 3 test

Thursday- Describe child labor in the late 1890's and early 1900's. Talk about the contribution Samual Gompers had in the reform movement

The students will write a journal entry imagining a day in the life of a child working in a factory.

Friday- Continue to talk about Reformers

Textbook pages 112; 130-131

Social Studies 11/14-11/22/2016
Due Date: 11/14/2016
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Finish Veteran's Day Choice Boards

Tuesday- Present songs and speeches from choice boards

Finish talking about immigrants of the late 1800's

Wednesday- Talk about American Indians and American Settlers disagreements over land

Textbook pages 106-107

Thursday- Half of the class will write from the American Indians' perspective and half of the class will write from the American Settlers perspective. They will share with the class

Friday- We will talk about the Great Plains Region and homesteading

Textbook pages 108-109

Monday- Thanksgiving Activity

Tuesday- DEAR/Club day


Social Studies 11/7-11/11 *Updated*
Due Date: 11/7/2016
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- We will talk about the impact of yellow fever during the 1870's; specifically how it was deadly for West Tennessee

The students will use the chromebooks to complete a google classroom activity.

They will read an article and then write about the article

Tuesday- Finish activity with chromebooks

Wednesday- We will talk about the south's move from agriculture to industry in the late 1800's. We will look specifically at the Coca-Cola industry, mining, and railroads

Read in textbook pages 101-105

Thursday- We will discuss immigrants coming into the United States

We will talk about how the United States was known as the Land of Opportunity. We will look at a virtual tour of Ellis Island

Students will write about what life might have been like for an immigrant coming to America

Friday- Veteran's Day. We will discuss the importance of veterans in our country

Social Studies 10/31-11/4
Due Date: 10/31/2016
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Discuss issues America faced after the Civil War; KKK, Vigilante Justice, and Martial Law

Tuesday- Answer questions from Monday's reading (for a grade)

Wednesday- 1/2 day for students

Brainpops on Reconstruction in the South

Thursday- Talk about Tennessee State Convention of 1870

Friday- Talk about the election for next week

Social Studies 10/24-28
Due Date: 10/24/2016
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Discuss the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments

Use the chromebooks to learn about the Reconstruction Amendments

Answer questions about each amendment with a partner

Tuesday- Draw pictures of each Amendment and write sentences telling how the amendment was significant for the country.

Wednesday-  Discuss Reconstruction Reform efforts; Freedman's Bureau, Military Reconstruction, Black Codes. Also discuss Fisk University, KKK, and Vigilante Justice
Read in the Textbook pages 76-81
Thursday- Discuss the upcoming election. Finish discussing the differences between the candidates. Write in a campaign journal
Friday- DEAR Day and Club Day

Social Studies 9/26-9/30
Due Date: 9/26/2016
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Discuss important people of the Civil War. We will cut and glue descriptions of important people into our folder and name the person based on description; this will be completed with partners.

Brainpop on important people

Read pages 54-55 in textbook about Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant

Tuesday- We will discuss the homefront during the Civil War

Read pages 64-65; 70 in textbook

United Streaming Video: Dear American: When will this cruel war be over

Wednesday- We will work on summarizing the Gettysburg Address

We will read the address as a class, and then listen to the address

I will remind the kids about using the OREO model for summarizing

Students will then summarize the Gettysburg Address with a partner

If time: A Readwork passage on Abraham Lincoln

Thursday- We will talk about contributions of Tennesseans in the war

Nearpod activity and take notes

Socrative activity for practice

Friday- My Campaign Journal

Social Studies 9/19-9/23
Due Date: 9/23/2016
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- No school for kids (Teacher DATA day)

Tuesday- Students will finish important battles of the Civil War that was started on Friday. They are working to locate on a map and write about each battle's significance.

Wednesday- Complete notes about the important leaders of the Civil War. This will include military and nonmilitary leaders.

Thursday- Finish working on important leaders

Read about the significance of the battles

Friday- Election Book

Read about Frenemies (conflict over parties)

Read "Join the party" and use a Venn Diagram to discuss the differences in political parties

Social Studies 8/22-8/26
Due Date: 8/26/2016
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Discuss the sectional differences of the North and South before the Civil War

Interactive notebook

Tuesday- Primary Sources

Grimke Sisters and William Lloyd Garrison

*Look at Digital History to analyze writings of each abolitionist

Wednesday- Discuss how each event made slavery a national issue

Missouri Compromise, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Compromise of 1850, Brooks attack on Sumner, Kansas-Nebraska Act, John Brown's Raid, and Dred Scott Decision

Thursday- Report on each event

Friday- Discuss the Election of 2016

Talk about the difference between Democratic and Republicans

Present commercials

Social Studies 8/15-8/19
Due Date: 8/19/2016
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Social studies pretest

Tuesday- Compare and contrast the myth of the Antebellum south to the reality of it

Wednesday- Talk about the differences between the North and the South before the Civil War


Thursday- Primary Sources
Chromebooks to look at primary sources of Sojourner Truth and Frederick Douglass
Assignment on Google Classroom
Friday-  Election Activity

Social Studied Sept. 28- Oct. 9
Due Date: 9/25/2015
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Review for chapter test

Tuesday- Chapter test

Wednesday/Thursday- Watch the movie Race to Freedom

This is a movie that shows the challenges and struggles that slaves faced as they were trying to run away to freedom.

Friday- Standard 5.17 Explain why Lincoln chose Andrew Johnson as his running mate in the election of 1864.

Standard 5.19 Discuss the impact of Lincoln's assassination on the nation. Standard 5.22  Discuss the intent and failure of the impeachment of Andrew Johnson.

Monday- Review for 9 weeks test

Tuesday- Review for 9 weeks test

Wednesday- Friday-

Social Studies Week of September 21-25
Due Date: 9/22/2015
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- No school (Professional Development)

Tuesday- Standard 5.13 Summarize the importance of the Gettysburg Address

*Read the Address

*Listen to the Address

*Discuss and Summarize for homework

Wednesday/Thursday- Standard 5.15 Explain the contributions of Tennesseans during the Civil War

*Use Chromebooks to study Tennesseans involved in the Civil War

*Take Notes

*Daily grade at the end of class

Friday- Review for a test (test will be on Tuesday)

Social Studies Wee of September 7-11
Due Date: 9/7/2015
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Labor Day (Have a great day off)

Tuesday- Standard: 5.11 Explain the significance and outcome of the major battles and identify their location on a map or visual represtation.

Complete the sheet that was started on Friday documenting important battles during the Civil War using the Textbook on pages 68-69.

Wednesday/Thursday- Standard 5.12 Draw on informational text to explain the roles of military and civil leaders during the Civil War.

We will use the chromebooks and QR codes to find important people of the War. The students will use the information from the chromebooks to match descriptions of those people.

Then, the students will glue the correct description to match the person in their social studies notebook under the categories; political leaders, military leaders, and other important leaders.

Friday- Standard: 5.10 Create a visual display to explain the Union's Anaconda Plan for defeating the Confederacy and how the geography of the South formed the Eastern, Western, and Trans-Mississippi theaters of the war.

Read in the textbook on pages 48-49

Students will draw a representation of the Anaconda Plan

Social Studies Week of 1/26-1/30/2015
Due Date: 1/30/2015
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Finish the notes on Progressive Era leaders. There will be a quiz on this Friday

Tuesday- Review the people from the Progressive Era. We will star the information that will be on the quiz Friday. Short video segments for some of the inventors/businessmen

Textbook pages 146-149 if time

Wednesday- Student Reward Afternoon so alternate schedule

Finish textbook pages

Thursday- Two science lessons so we can do 2 chromebook lessons Friday

Friday- Chromebook presentations to show research from Tennessee's Centinennial Celebration

Social Studies 1/19-1/23/2015
Due Date: 1/19/2015
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Out of school MLK day

Tuesday- Read in the textbook pages 130-139 about the Progressive Era of the United States

Wednesday- Two science lessons

Thursday- Practice Writing test for Language Arts in the Morning

Afternoon schedule- take notes about progressive era inventors

Friday- Chromebooks about the Tennessee Centennial Celebration 1897

Social Studies Week of 12/10-12/14/2014 *UPDATED*
Due Date: 12/12/2014
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Finish lesson on Child Labor

Tuesday- Child Labor Journal Entry

Review for Quiz on Wednesday

Wednesday- Quiz over Reformers, Factory Conditions, Child Labor

Discuss the importance of Electricity in the early 1900's

It's Electric group activity

Thursday- Inventors Animated Hero Classics

Friday- Smart Tennessee Lesson

Social Studies Week of 12/1-12/5/2014
Due Date: 12/1/2014
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- The Guilded Age

Textbook pages 110-115

Tuesday- Learn about the Big Businesses of the Guilded Age


Wednesday- Discuss child labor and factory working conditions of the late 1890's and early 1900's

Write about what a day would be like as a child working in those conditions.

Thursday- Discuss Samuel Gompers and the American Federation of Labor.  Talk about the important role labor unions had in improving working conditions

Friday- Smart Tennessee Lesson 4

Social Studies Week of 11/17-11/28/2014
Due Date: 11/14/2014
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Smart Tennessee Lesson 4

Tuesday- Great Plains Region


Uninted Streaming: Homesteading: 70 years on the Great Plains (18:12)

Wednesday- Review for test

Thursday- Test

Friday- Smart Tennessee lesson 5

Monday (11/24)- Benchmark test

Tuesday (11/25)- Benchmark test
Thanksgiving Break

Social Studies Week of 11/10-11/14/2014
Due Date: 11/10/2014
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Immigration from Europe and Asia in the late 1800's

Group work reading an article about Chinese immigrants and their contribution to the Transcontinental Railroad

Tuesday- Finish discussing immigrants

Talk about American Indians and Settlers Textbook pages 106-107

Wednesday- Write a story about either American Indians or Settler defending that stance.  Share with the class.

Thursday- Great Plains Region Textbook pages 108-109

Powerpoint about Great Plains

Friday- Smart Tennessee Lesson 4

Social Studies Week of 11/3-11/7/14
Due Date: 11/3/2014
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Smart Tennessee Lesson 2

Tuesday- Explain the need for the South and Tennessee to move toward industry and mechanization

Textbook pages 101-105

Wednesday- Questions from the textbook

Thursday- Library Day

Friday- Smart Tennessee Lesson 3

Social Studies Week of 10/27-10/31
Due Date: 10/24/2014
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Discuss the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson using Digital History

Look at links of political cartoons.

Create a political cartoon

Tuesday- Discuss the backlash of the KKK, black codes, and vigilante justice

Textbook pages 86-95 and questions

Wednesday- Explain the impact the TN Constitution Convention of 1870 had on Tennessee

Textbook pages 96-99

Thursday- Smart Tennessee lesson 2

Friday- The History of Halloween

Social Studies Week of 10/6-10/24/2014
Due Date: 10/5/2014
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday 10/6- Nine Weeks Exam Study Guide

Tuesday 10/7- Review for Nine Weeks Exams

Wednesday 10/8- Reading Exam and Star Testing

Thursday 10/9- Math and Social Studies Exams

Friday 10/10- Science and Language Exams

Monday 10/13-Friday 10/17- FALL BREAK!! Have a great week off!!

Monday 10/20- Discuss the goals and accomplishments of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments

Tuesday 10/21- Discuss the importance of the Freedman's Bureau and Fisk University to help former slaves begin new lives.

Create Freedman's Bureau Infomercial and Discuss the Jubilee Singers from Fisk University

Wednesday 10/22- Compare and Contrast the different Reconstruction Plans of Lincoln, Johnson, and Congress

Thursday 10/23- Discuss the intent and failure of the Impeachment of President Andrew Johnson

Friday 10/24- Smart Tennessee Lesson 1

Social Studies Week of 9/29-10/3/14
Due Date: 9/29/2014
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Study Guide for Chapter 2

Tuesday- Test over Chapter 2 (Study the Study Guide)

Wednesday- Discuss the physical, social, political, and economic consequences the Civil War had on the south.

Textbook pages 76-77

Pictures of the South after the Civil War

Write a paragraph describing the south after the Civil War.

Thursday- Describe the impact the assassination of President Lincoln had on the South

New York Herald article from the day after Lincoln died.

Read the two sources (compare the primary and secondary source) of Lincoln's assassination.

Friday- Smart Tennessee Pre-Test

Smart Tennessee is a program created by our state to educate children on the importance of personal finance.  The hope is that educating children at an early age will help them to make smart financial decisions as adults.

Social Studies Week of 9/15-9/19/14
Due Date: 9/12/2014
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Explain the roles of important people of the Civil War time

Textbook pages 54, 55, 58, and 66


Tuesday- Readworks passage about Abraham Lincoln in groups

Wednesday- Read the Gettysburg Address and write a summary of its importance.

Chromebooks- Digital History and type the summary

Thursday- Describe the battlefield and homefront during the Civil War

Textbook pages 64-65; 70

Friday- Activity to describe the homefront


Social Studies Wee of 9/1/2014
Due Date: 8/29/2014
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Labor Day

Tuesday- Standard: Analyze the geographic, social, political, and economic strengths and weakness of the North and South.

Board work comparing strengths and weaknesses of the North and South

Wednesday- Chapter 1 Test Review

Thursday- Chapter 1 Test

Friday- Library 1st half of class to preview the bookfair.

2nd part of class- Animated Hero Classics- Abraham Lincoln (29:47)

Social Studies Week of 8/25-8/29/2014
Due Date: 8/22/2014
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Finish worksheet from Friday

Typing Tutor on Chromebooks

John Brown's Raid (Digital History) on the Chromebooks

Tuesday- Evaluate the candidates of the 1860's Presidential election.

Textbook pages 28-31

Video Segment on United Streaming: The Election of 1860 and secession (2:07)

Wednesday- Explain why Tennessee was divided on the issue of secession

Textbook pages 32-38

Thursday- Explain why Tennessee was divided on the issure of secession (cont.)

Textbook pages 39-41

Create an Antebellum timeline

Friday- Determine the meaning of different visuals representing the North and the South




*Billy Yank/Johnny Reb

Social Studies Week of 8/18/2014
Due Date: 8/15/2014
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Finish discussing Frederick Douglass

Discuss Angelina Grimke and William Lloyd Garrison

Questions about Abolishionists

Tuesday- Discuss Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, and the Kansas-Nebraska Act

Wednesday- Discuss Uncle Tom's Cabin and the Dred Scott Case

Thursday- Discuss Brook's Attack on Sumner and John Brown's Raid

Friday-Assessment over Pre-Civil War topics

Social Studies Week of 8/11/14
Due Date: 8/8/2014
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Practice with Chromebooks

Tuesday- Standard: 5.1 Compare and contrast the myth of the Antebellum South to the realities of the region.

Textbook page 14

Interwrite program showing the south during the Civil War

Examine Primary Sources

Wednesday- Standard: 5.2 Interpret the sectional differences between the North and the South.

Page 17 in textbook

Use Chromebooks to compare the North and South

Thursday- Standard: 5.3 Use primary sources to analyze multiple samples of abolition leaders' writings and their stance on slavery.

Soujourner Truth

Read "Ain't I A Woman"

Watch segment of actress reading the speech

Rewrite speech in today's words.

Friday- Standard: 5.3

Frederick Douglass


Digital History ("I Am for Liberty" and "Prompt Masters to Whip")

Questions- Three Responses to Slavery

Social Studies 12/2- Christmas Break
Due Date: 12/2/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Chapter 7 Lesson 1- pages 234-239

Introduce Eastern Border States

Tuesday- Review Eastern Border States

Lesson 2- WWI pages 242-245

Questions from lesson 1 and 2

Wednesday- Eastern States

Lesson 3- The Homefront pages 250-253

Thursday- Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Questions

Levelled Readers: I Care: American Reformers

Eastern Border States Review- Quiz on Friday

Friday- Quiz on Eastern Border States

United Streaming: America in the 20th Century WWI (30:00)

Social Studies 11/11-11/15/2013**Updated**
Due Date: 1/1/2002
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Veteran's Day Program

Tuesday- Chapter 5 Study Guide

Wednesday- Chapter 5 Test

Thursday- Chapter 6 Lesson 1- The Machine Age pages 198-201

Discuss the working conditions in the factories

Friday- Pages 202-203

Discuss Labor Unions and Working conditions

Write a journal entry about a day in the life of a factory worker

Social Studies 11/4-11/8/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Chapter 5 Lesson 1- Connecting the Country pages 162-165

Finish Reconstruction video and Questions

Tuesday- Lesson 2- Moving to the Plains pages 170-175

Write a "Journal Entry" discussing the challenges and hardships people on the Great Plains faced

Wednesday- Lesson 2 Questions

pages 176-177 Sod Houses

Look at pictures of Sod Houses

United Streaming: Homesteading 70 Years on the Great Plains (18:12)

Thursday- Lesson 3- Cattle Drives pages 178-181

Supply and Demand

Lemondade Stand website showing the concept of Supply and Demand

Friday- Lesson 4- War on the Plains pages 186-191

Brainpop- Wounded Knee

United Streaming: Real American Cowboy (7:03)

Social Studies 10/7-10/11/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Read lesson 2- Lif in Battle; Life at Home pages 122-125

Questions over lesson

Tuesday- Complete study guide for Nine Weeks test

Review game

Wednesday- Nine Weeks Test

Thursday- Start watching the movie, Race to Freedom.  This movie is about the Underground Railroad

Friday- Complete the move, Race to Freedom.

Social Studies 9/23-9/27/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Lesson 4- Civil War Begins pages 102-107

Focus Questions as we read

Tuesday- Study Guide for Chapter 3 Test (Test on Wednesday)

Wednesday- Test on Chapter 3

Thursday- Guidance with Mrs. Jinny Killebrew

Friday- Animated Hero Classics: Harriet Tubman (27:44)

Read Stealing Freedom on pages 90-93

Social Studies 9/9-9/13/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Finish Freedom Pie Activity for the First Amendment

Read pages 62-71 in textbook

Tuesday- Finish reading pages 62-71

Answer questions from reading

Wednesday- Study Guide for Government test (Test will be Friday)

Thursday- Government Jeopardy to review for the test

Friday- Test over Government

Social Studies 8/12-8/16/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Discuss important bodies of water and continents. Learn the Northern Border state song

Tuesday- Finish discussing bodies of water and complete worksheet individually for a grade.

Read pages 6-8 in textbook

Discuss differences between natural, capital, and human resources.

Wednesday- Brainpop on latitude and longitude

Complete worksheet with partner and go over in class.

Northern Border States song

Thursday- Finish practice on latitude and longitude.

Complete a skills sheet on latitude and longitude for a grade.

Latitude and longitude game online.

Practice Northern Border states (Quiz on Tuesday)

Friday- Read pages 26-28 Discuss West Tennessee

Video Segment: United Streaming Southeast States (5:39)

Northern Border States song (Quiz on Tuesday)

Social Studies 2/25-3/1/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Finish lesson 2 about Civil Rights pages 344-345

Brainpop- Brown vs the Board of Education and Civil Rights

Workbook page 133 if time

Tuesday- United Streaming: Heros- Civil Rights (24:00)

Time Machine Website- Rosa Parks

Interwrite lesson on Civil Rights- take notes (quiz over notes on Thursday)

Wednesday- DARE

Thursday- Quiz over Civil Rights notes

Lesson 3- Time of Change pages 348-351

Workbook page 136

Friday- Lesson 4- The Vietnam War pages 358-361

Social Studies 2/4-2/8/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Review Middle States

Interwrite program introducing World War II


Wednesday- Chapter 9 Lesson 1- WWII pages 298-301

Sequence events that led to WWII

Thursday- Lesson 2-The Homefront pages 302-305

Website about rationing and victory gardens

Friday- Lesson 3- Ending the War pages 310-315

Brainpop- WWII

Social Studies 10/29-11/2/2012
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Reconstruction After the Civil War

3 Finger Salute to practice 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments

Amendment posters

Tuesday- Primary Reading Sources

Textbook pages 144-145

Workbook p. 53

Wednesday- Lesson 5- Freedom and Hardship pages 146-149

Thursday- Race to Freedom movie

Friday- Race to Freedom movie

Social Studies 9/17-9/21/2012
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- No School (Teacher In-Service)

Tuesday- Chapter 2 Government Study Guide (Test on Thursday)

School House Rock- Government

Wednesday- Review for Government Test using Jeopardy

Thursday- Government Test

Friday- Conflict Resolution

Textbook pages 50-51

Interwrite practice on Applying Conflict Resolution skills

5th Grade Social Studies 8/13-8/17/2012
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Fill in map with all 50 states

Learn Northern Border States song

Tuesday- Discuss Important bodies of water, continents, and oceans

Complete a sheet with important rivers

Review Northern Border States song

Wednesday- Review important bodies of water (quiz Thursday)

Read pages 6-8 in Textbook

Discuss the differences of natural, capital, and human resources

Thursday- Bodies of water quiz

Brainpop on latitude and longitude

Practice latitude and longitude with a partner

Practice Northern Border States (Quiz on Friday)

Friday- Northern States Quiz

Individual practice on latitude and longitude

50 states game

Social Studies 2/24-2/28/2014
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Chapter 10 Lesson 1 pages 334-337

Create a timeline with important dates from the lesson

Tuesday- pages 338-339 Baby Boom

Lesson 2- Civil Rights pages 340-341

Brainpop- Civil Rights

Wednesday- Finish lesson 2- pages 342-345

Brainpop- Brown vs Board of Education

Thursday- United Streaming: Heros of Civil Rights (24:00)

Time Machine: Rosa Parks

Notes about the Civil Rights (Quiz over the notes on Monday)

Friday- Lesson 3- Time of Change pages 348-351

Workbook p. 136

Review notes for quiz on Monday

Social Studies 2/4-2/7/2014
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- OUT

Tuesday- Movie Kit Kittredge about the Great Depression

Wednesday- Writing Assessment (alternate schedule)

Introduce the Middle States song

Thursday- Finish the movie Kit Kittredge and answer questions about the movie.

Friday- Introduce WWII

Practice Middle States song

Social Studies 1/27-1/31/2014
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Quiz over the Great Depression

Pictures of the Dust Bowl

Tuesday- Popluation Maps pages 280-281

Lesson 4- The New Deal pages 282-285

Workbook pages 106 and 109

Wednesday- Having Fun in Hard Times and Home Sweet Home (sheet about the Depression and Hoovervilles)

Faces of the Great Depression

Thursday- Chapter 8 Study Guide

Friday- Chapter 8 Test

After test read levelled reader about the Roosevelts


Social Studies 1/20-1/24/2014
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- MLK Day

Tuesday- Alternate Schedule due to practice writing assessment

Finish Levelled Reader and Questions

Wednesday- Notes on the Great Depression (Quiz over notes on Monday)

Brainpop- The Great Depression

Thursday- United Streaming: America in the 20th Century (30:00)

Questions from United Streaming

Riding the Rails- Primary Reading Sources abut teenagers who rode the rails during the Great Depression


Social Studies 12/9-12/19/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Chapter 8 Lesson 1- An Economic Boom pages 260-263

Brainpop- Assembly Line

Tuesday- KWL chart about Roaring Twenties

Lesson 2- The 1920's pages 266-269

Wednesday- Continue discussing the 1920's

Create a class mural by illustrating a 1920's topic

Thursday- Review Northern, Southern, and Eastern Border States

Take a test over all three that counts as Nine Weeks Exam

Give Midterm Study Guide

Friday- Midterm Study Guide

Monday (12/16)- Review game for Midterm

Tuesday- 1st and 6th Period Exams

Wednesday- 2nd and 5th Period Exams

Thursday- 3rd and 4th Period Exams


Social Studies 1/6-1/10/2014
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday and Tuesday- Out of School

Wednesday- Geography Bee

Thursday- Review the 1920's

Economic Boom, Credit, and Installment Plans

Brainpop: Assembly Lines

United Streaming: 20th Century- Roaring Twenties (30 min.)

Friday- Jazz and Harlem Renaissance pages 268-269; p. 270-271

Brainpop and Quizzes on both

Listen to Jazz music and answer questions based on the music.

Social Studies 1/13-11/17/2014
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Jazz and the Halem Reinaissance pages 268-271

Brainpops over both topics and quizzes together in class.

Listen to jazz music and write in response to the music.

Tuesday- To recognize how culture has changed we will watch silent movie clips.  We will them divide into groups to write a silent movie script that would last 1-2 minutes.  The movie theme will be either an adventure, a comedy, or a western.

Wednesday- Groups will act out the silent movie.

Thursday- Lesson 3- The Great Depression pages 274-277

Time Machine Website

Friday- Take notes on the Great Depression (quiz over the notes Wed.)

Brainpop- The Great Depression

Social Studies 2/17-2/21/2014
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Lesson 4- The Cold War pages 318-321

Practice the Middle States (Quiz on Wednesday)

Tuesday- Practice Middle States

Lesson 5- The Arms Race pages 324-327

Post WWII Cause and Effect Sheet

Wednesday- Middle States Quiz

Chapter 9 Study Guide

Thursday- Chapter 9 Test

Friday- Visit library for introduction to Book Fair (20-25 minutes)

Levelled Reader

"What is the Media"

Social Studies 3/24-4/4/2014
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Notes on National Holidays

United Streaming Video: U.S. Celebrations (13:00)

Worksheet on Holidays

Tuesday- Review holidays


Daily grade on holidays

Wednesday-Friday- Spring Break!!!  Enjoy your days off :)

Monday (3/31)- TCAP review part 1 in practice books

Tuesday- TCAP review part 2 in practice books

Wednesday- Go over parts 1 and 2

Thursday- MONEY DAYS

TCAP review- Economics of the United States

*Boom/Bust *Needs/Wants *Buying on credit/installment plans *Black Tuesday *Great Depression *Dust Bowl *Hoovervilles

Friday- Game reviewing TCAP skills of economics


Social Studies Week of April 16-20
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Social Studies test in Red TCAP book

Tuesday- Go over answers from yesterday

Review of Holidays (sheet)

Wednesday- DARE graduation

Know it All DVD to review for TCAP

Thursday- Chapter 3 in the Watsons Go to Birmingham

Know it All DVD

Friday- Review Amendments: 1st, 13th, 14th, 15th, 19th

Geography- Important bodies of water review

Social Studies through the end of the year
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Read chapter 4-5 of Watsons

Tuesday- Read chapters 6-7

Wednesday- Read chapters 8-9

Thursday- Read chapters10-11

Friday- Read chapters 12-13

Monday (5/7)- Read chapters 14-15

Study guide for Watsons test (this test will count as our 9 Weeks test grade)

Tuesday (5/8)- Review for test and let kids take AR test on Watsons
Wednesday (5/9)- Watsons Test
Thursday (5/10)- Field Day
Friday (5/11)- Out for Strawberry Festival
Monday (5/14)- Study guide for Finals
Tuesday- Go over study guide
Wednesday- Friday FINALS

Social Studies 8/20-8/24
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Northern States Practice (Quiz Tuesday)

Latitude and longitude practice

Tuesday- Northern States Quiz

Textbook pages 26-28

United Streaming segment: Southeast states (5:39)

Wednesday- Textbook pages 28-30 (Middle TN)

Tennessee drawing

Introduce Southern Border states song

Thursday- Textbook pages 30-31 Reading Climograph

workbook p. 15

Friday- Climograph practice

Map Skills page 12 (workbook p. 6)

Social Studies 8/27-8/31/2012
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Continue Climograph practice

Individual assessment using clickers

Tuesday- Review for Geography test

Study Guide will be sent home

Wednesday- Geography test

Thursday- Textbook pages 36-39- Government

Brainpop- Declaration of Independence

School House Rock Segment on Government

Friday- Constitution and The Bill of Rights pages 42-43


Practice comparing all three documents

Social Studies 9/3-9/7
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Labor Day

Tuesday- Read pages 42-43 Constitution and the Bill of Rights


Interwrite program

Wednesday- Read pages 44-47

Branches of the Government

Brainpop on the Branches of Government

Branches of Government Rap

Thursday- Branches of the Government Chain

Perform Branches of Government Rap

Friday- Power point comparing state and federal government

pages 44-45 Checks and Balances/Federal System

Interwrite program on National and State government

Sheet on National Government

Social Studies 9/10-9/14
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Perform Branches of the Government Rap

Clickers review on branches of government (graded)

Tuesday- State and Federal Government/ Checks and Balances pp. 44-45

Parent Teacher Conference 3:30-6:30

Wednesday- Textbook pages 50-51 Conflict Resolution

Thursday- Textbook pages 48-49 First Amendment

Freedom Pie Activity

Friday- Textbook pages 62-71

Government Review

Government Test next week

9/24- Fall Break
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday (9/24)- Chapter 3 Lesson 1- North and South pages 78-81

Read lesson and go over power point of Pre-Civil War differences between the North and the South

Tuesday (9/25)- Compare data using graphs pages 84-85 in textbook

Interwrite practice on graphs

Workbook pages 30-31 for a grade

Wednesday (9/26)- Lesson 2 in textbook pages 86-89

Thursday (9/27)- Lesson 3- A Nation Divided pages 94-97

Interactive Underground Railroad

Workbook p. 37 for a grade

Friday (9/28)- Lesson 4- Civil War Begins pages 102-107

Monday (10/1)- Work in groups to complete textbook pages 110-111 as a review for the Nine Weeks Test

Go over the answers in class.

Tuesday (10/2)- Study Guide for the Nine Weeks Test

Wednesday (10/3)- Go over the Study Guide and play a review game

Thursday (10/4)- Social Studies Nine Weeks Exam

Friday (10/5)- Animated Hero Classic: Harriet Tubman (27:44)

Read Stealing Freedom on pages 90-93 in textbook


Social Studies 10/15-10/19/2012
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Key People During the Civil War- Interwrite program

Tuesday- Finish the Interwrite Program (There will be a quiz on Wednesday about the important people in the Civil War) The students will have notes.

Introduce the Southern Border States (Test on Friday)

Abolition Argument sheet in groups

Wednesday- Quiz over important people in the Civil War

Chapter 4 Lesson 1- The U.S. at War pages 114-119

List advantages and disadvantages of the North and the South on the Board

Practice Southern Border states song

Thursday- Lesson 2- Life in Battle; Life at Home pages 122-125

Southern Border Song (test tomorrow)

Friday- Southern Border States test

United Streaming: Dear America: When will this Cruel War End? (26:49)

Work on Abolition Argument sheet

Social Studies 10/22-10/26/2012
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Chapter 4 Lesson 2- Life in Battle; Life at Home pages 122-125

Workbook pages 43-44

Tuesday- Lesson 3- The Union Advances pages 128-131

Sequence Chart

Morse Code Audio

Homework- Create a Morse Code message

Wednesday- Lesson 4- Rebuilding a Nation pages 136-141

Amendment Poster in Partners

Thursday- Complete Amendment Poster and present to class

Chapter 4 Lesson 4 Questions

Civil War pictures

Friday- Discuss pages 142-143 The South After the War

Discuss pages 144-145

United Streaming: Lincoln

Social Studies 11/5-11/9/2012
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Review for Chapter 4 Test

Look at photographs from the Civil War

Tuesday- Chapter 4 Test

Wednesday- Chapter 5 Lesson 1- Connecting the Country pages 162-165

Race to Utah Website

Thursday- Lesson 2- Moving to the Plains pages 170-175

Friday- Lesson 2 Questions

pages 176-177 Sod houses

Interwrite program about Sod Houses

United Streaming: Homesteading 70 years on the Great Plains (18:12)

Social Studies 11/12-11/20/2012
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Lesson 2- Moving to the Plains pages 170-175

We will discuss the many hardships faced by the pioneers on the Great Plains

Tuesday- Lesson 3- Cattle Drives pages 178-181

Discuss Supply and demand

Wednesday- Lesson 4- War on the Plains pages 186-191

Brainpop- Wounded Knee

United Streaming: Real American Cowboy (7:03)

Thursday- Chapter 5 Study Guide

Friday- Chapter 5 Test

Monday (November 19)- Animated Hero Classic: Thomas Edison (30:00)

Animated Hero: Alexander Bell (27:00)

Tuesday (November 20)- Thanksgiving Brainpop

Animated Hero: (27:43)

Social Studies 11/26-11/30/2012
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Chapter 6 Lesson 1- The Machine Age pages 198-201

Discuss frustrations of factory workers

Tuesday- Read pages 202-203

Discuss Labor Unions and working conditions of factories

Write a journal entry- A day in the Life of a Factory Worker

Wednesday- Lesson 2- Moving to the United States pages 206-209

Thursday- Lesson 3- Big Cities pages 212-215

Discuss the contributions of Reformers such as Jane Addams

Friday- Lesson 4- Changes for the Better pages 216-219

Interwrite program about Reformers of the 1800's

Social Studies 12/3-12/7
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Finish Interwrite program on Reformers of the late 1800's

Study Guide for Chapter 6 Test

Tuesday- Chapter 6 Test

Wednesday- Chapter 7 Lesson 1-pages 234-239

Introduce the Eastern Border States song

Thursday- Review Eastern Border states

Lesson 2- WWI pages 242-245

Questions from lesson 1 and 2

Friday- Eastern Border States practice

Lesson 3- The Homefront pages 250-253

Social Studies 12/10-12/14/2012
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Chapter 7 Lesson 3 pages 250-253

Answer questions from lesson 3

Leveled Reader: I Care: American Reformers

Practice the Eastern Border States (Quiz Tuesday)

Tuesday- Quiz on Eastern Border States

United Streaming:America in the 20th Century WWI (30:00)

Leveled Reader: What Should Workers Do?

Wednesday- Samantha: An American Girl Holiday. This movie focuses on America in 1904 when children were being forced to work in factories.  This movie shows the difficulties faced for American factory workers in the early 1900's.

Thursday- Finish movie

Friday- Mid term study guide

Test over the Northern, Southern, and Eastern Border states.  This will count as the 9 weeks test grade.

Social Studies 1/7-1/11/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Geography Bee (This Bee is done annually in every social studies class in every grade at MMS)

Tuesday- Chapter 8 Lesson 1- Economic Boom pages 260-263

Brainpop- Assembly Lines

Focus students on the meaning of a BOOM in economy.

Wednesday- KWL chart on the Roaring Twenties

Lesson 2- The 1920's pages 266-267

Spend time and attention on the notable people of the 1920's (bottom of pages 268-269 in textbook)

Interwrite program on the 1920's

Thursday- Finish Interwrite program

United Streaming: 20th Century: The Roaring 20's (30 minutes)

Create a class mural of the 1920's.  The students will illustrate a 1920's topic to be displayed around the room in a class mural.

Friday- Jazz and the Harlem Renaissance pages 268-269

Brainpop on Jazz and Harlem Renaissance

Listen to Jazz music (Louis Armstrong, George Gershwin, and Duke Ellington). Students will respond to the jazz music by completing a form; This music makes me feel _____________________________. This music makes me want to ___________________________. When I hear this music I picture ___________________________________________.

Social Studies 1/14-1/18/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Watch Silent Movie clips

Create a silent movie clip with groups

Tuesday- Perform the silent movie for the class

Wednesday- Lesson 3- The Great Depression pages 274-277

Time Machine Website

Thursday- Notes on The Great Depression (Quiz over notes on Friday)

Brainpop- The Great Depression

The Dust Bowl pages 278-279

Pictures of the Dust Bowl

Friday- Quiz over Notes

Population Maps pages 280-281

Lesson 4-The New Deal pages 282-285

Social Studies 1/21-1/25/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- MLK No School

Tuesday- Notes on the Great Depression (Quiz Thursday)

Brainpop: The Great Depression

The Dust Bowl pages 278-279

Wednesday- Finish looking at pictures of the Dust Bowl

Study notes for the quiz tomorrow

Population Maps pages 280-281

Lesson 4- The New Deal pages 282-285

Thursday- Quiz over notes

Start movie Kit Kittredge

Friday- finish movie

Social Studies 1/28-2/1/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Finish the movie Kit Kittridge and answer questions comparing the movie with what we talked about in class concerning the Great Depression

Introduce the Middle States song if there is time.

Tuesday- Having Fun in Hard Times- What Kids did in the Great Depression

Journal Entry-Faces of the Great Depression

Wednesday- Home Sweet Home- Life in a Hooverville

Chapter 8 Study Guide

Thursday- Chapter 8 Test

Friday- Review/Introduce the Middle States

Interwrite program introducing WWII

Social Studies 2/11-2/15/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Discuss the Holocaust

Brainpop- Holocaust

Website- The Secret Annex (3D image of Anne Frank's Hiding place during the Holocaust)

Practice Middle States (Quiz on Wednesday)

Tuesday- Lesson 4- The Cold War pages 318-321

The Cold War Game

Practice Middle States (Quiz tomorrow)

Wednesday- Middle States Quiz

Lesson 5- The Arms Race pages 324-327

Post WWII Cause and Effect Sheet

Thursday- Chapter 9 Study Guide

Friday- Chapter 9 Test

Social Studies 2/18-2/22/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Out of School for President's Day

Tuesday- Movie based on World War II

Wednesday- Finish movie

We will be taking a math constructed response so our schedule will be adjusted some.

Thursday- Chapter 10 Lesson 1 pages 334-337

Create a timeline using the dates 1949, 1952, 1953, and 1956

Friday- Go over pages 338-339 graphic aids

Lesson 2- Civil Rights pages 340-343

Discuss: School Segregation and Bus Boycott

Brainpop: Civil Rights

Social Studies 3/4-3/8/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Study Guide for Nine Weeks Test (Chapter 10)

Go over study guide

Tuesday- DARE

Wednesday- Nine Weeks test in Math and Reading

Ruby Bridges Movie about Civil Rights and Desegregation in Schools

Thursday- Nine Weeks test in Language Arts and Social Studies

Friday- Nine Weeks test in Science and Rotation

Finish the movie Ruby Bridges

Social Studies 3/11-3/15/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Notes on National Holidays (There will be a quiz over National Holidays on Thursday)

United Streaming: U.S. Celebrations (13:00)

Tuesday- DARE

Wednesday- Review Holidays (Quiz on Thursday)

Lesson on Conflict Resolution

Thursday- Quiz on National Holidays (Use notes from Monday to study)

Practice all 50 states (There will be a test on Tuesday 3/19)

Friday- Practice the 50 states

TCAP Coach Practice Book Lesson 6

Social Studies 3/18-3/22/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- TCAP Coach lesson 6 pages 68-73

Practice 50 States (Test on Wednesday)

Tuesday- Practice 50 States (test on Wednesday)

TCAP Coach Pretest part 1 and 2

Wednesday- 50 States Test

Go over Pretest

Thursday- Finish going over Pretest

TCAP Coach lessons 7 and 8

Questions in Coach for grade

Friday- TCAP Coach lesson 9

Brainpops: Branches of the Government and Levels of Government

Social Studies 8/19-8/23/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Read pages 28-30 about Middle Tennessee

Draw resources of Tennessee

Practice Northern Border states (Quiz on Tuesday)

Tuesday- Northern States Quiz

Read pages 30-31 about Climographs

Workbook pages 15 with a partner

Wednesday- Climograph practice

Map skills page 12 in textbook. 

Workbook page 6

Southern Border States Song

Thursday- Climograph Practice

Review for Geography Test

Friday- Geography test

Social Studies 8/26-8/30/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Textbook pages 36-39

The Declaration of Independence


Classwork with partners

Tuesday- Textbook pages 42, 46-47

The Constitution and The Bill of Rights


Powerpoint comparing The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and The Bill of Rights

Wednesday- Branches of the Government p. 43


Branches of the Government Rap

Thursday- Brainpop- Branches of Government

Practice Branches Rap

Read pages 44-45 in textbook

Classwork over what we read

Friday- Levels of the Government

Perform the Branches of the Government Rap for the class

Social Studies 9/2-9/6/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Out of School for Labor Day

Tuesday- Practice Branches of the Government Song

Sheet over pages 44-45 as a grade

Review levels of government

Wednesday- Perform Branches of the Government Song

Read pages 50-51

Practice steps to resolve Conflict Resolution

Workbook p. 22 in class

Thursday- Library for half of class period to preview the book fair

Read pages 48-49

Friday- Learn about the First Amendment

Freedom Pie First Amendment Activity

Social Studies 9/16-9/20/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Out of school- Teacher inservice

Tuesday- Chapter 3 Lesson 1- North and South pages 78-81

powerpoint discussing differences between the North and the South

Wednesday- Compare Civil War Data using graphs pages 84-85 in textbook

Classwork- Workbook pages 30-31

Thursday- Lesson 2-The Fight for Freedom pages 86-89

Friday- Lesson 3- A Nation Divided pages 94-97

Website showing The Underground Railroad

Workbook p. 37 for a grade

Social Studies 9/30-10/4/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Art activity reviewing Guidance lesson from Friday

Take notes on Important people during the Civil War

Tuesday- Introduce Southern Border States (Quiz on Friday)

Finish Important People during the Civil War

Daily grade Wed on important people

Wednesday- Important people during Civil War Quiz

Chapter 4 Lesson 1- The US at War pages 114-119

Practice Southern Border Song

Thursday- Lesson 2- Life in Battle; Life at Home pages 122-125

Southern Border Song

Friday- Souther Border Quiz

United Streaming: Dear America: When Will this cruel War End? (26:49)

Ambolition Argument Sheet with a partner

Social Studies 10/21-10/25/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Lesson 3- The Union Advances pages 128-131

Tuesday- Math Constructed Response.  This will take the place of first and second period.

Wednesday- Brainpop- Civil War

Brainpop Quiz with clickers

Lesson 4- Rebuilding a Nation pages 136-141

Thursday- Finish lesson 4

Complete questions over lesson 4

Friday- 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments

Amendment posters

Social Studies 10/28-11/1/13
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Primary Reading Sources pages 144-145

A House Divided Sheet- Examining Abraham Lincoln's words

Your History Sheet

Tuesday- Lesson 5- Freedom and Hardship pages 146-149

Wednesday- Review for Chapter 4 Test

Thursday- Chapter 4 Test

Friday- United Streaming: American Civil War: Reconstruction (25:46)

Quiz over United Streaming video

Social Studies 11/18-11/22/2013
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Finish working on journal entries from Friday

Lesson 2- Moving to the U.S. pages 206-209

Tuesday- Lesson 3- Big Citites pages 212-215

Discuss the major reformer- Jane Addams

Wednesday- Lesson 4- Changes forthe Better pages 216-219

Women's Suffrage Brainpop

Thursday- Review for Chapter 6 Test

Friday- Chapter 6 Test

Social Studies 3/17-3/21/2014
Subject: 5th Grade Social Studies

Monday- Chapter 10 Study Guide

Tuesday- Chapter 10 Test

Wednesday- Watch the movie Ruby Bridges

Thursday- Finish Ruby Bridges

Friday- Field Trip to Ag Day in Huntingdon

